IBM Planning Analytics

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IBM Planning Analytics powered by TM1 (formerly IBM Cognos TM1, formerly Applix TM1, formerly Sinper TM/1[1]) is a business performance management software suite designed to implement collaborative planning, budgeting and forecasting solutions, interactive "what-if" analyses, as well as analytical and reporting applications.

Quick facts: Developer(s), Initial release, Stable release...
IBM Planning Analytics powered by TM1
Initial release1983; 40 years ago (1983), as Sinper TM/1 1.0
Stable release
IBM Planning Analytics Local 2.0.9 / December 16, 2019; 3 years ago (2019-12-16)
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows Server, Linux, UNIX
PlatformCross-platform software
Available inMulti-lingual
LicenseProprietary software

The database server component of the software platform retains its historical name TM1. Data is stored in in-memory multidimensional OLAP cubes, generally at the "leaf" level, and consolidated on demand. In addition to data, cubes can include encoded rules which define any on-demand calculations. By design, computations (typically aggregation along dimensional hierarchies using weighted summation) on the data are performed in near real-time, without the need to precalculate, due to a highly performant database design and calculation engine. These properties also allow the data to be updated frequently and by multiple users.

TM1 is an example of a class of software products which implement the principles of the functional database model. The IBM Planning Analytics platform, in addition to the TM1 database server, includes an ETL tool, server management and monitoring tools and a number of user front ends which provide capabilities designed for common business planning and budgeting requirements, including workflow, adjustments, commentary, etc.

The vendor currently offers the software both as a standalone on-premises product and in the SaaS model on the cloud.