Culture of Kievan Rus'

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The culture of Kievan Rus' spans the cultural developments in Kievan Rus' from the 9th to 13th century of the Middle Ages. The Kievan monarchy came under the sphere of influence of the Byzantine Empire, one of the most advanced cultures of the time, and adopted Christianity during the Christianization of Kievan Rus'. After the gradual fragmentation of the dynasty into many Rus' principalities in the 13th century, Kievan Rus' culture faded with the Mongol invasion of Kievan Rus' in the 13th century, and Batu Khan's establishment of the Golden Horde as the regional hegemon of Eastern Europe.

Cera (a tablet for teaching literacy) with a carved Rus' ornament. The reverse side. Novgorod. 12th century.
A miniature from the Spassky Gospels, Yaroslavl, made in the 1220s.